RV News

DeMars & Assoc. to Highlight RV Dispute Resolution Program at D.C. Event

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Next week, RVs Move America Week attendees will have an opportunity to speak with representatives of DeMars & Associates, a national alternative dispute resolution firm.

This is a great opportunity for interested individuals to learn more about the company’s dispute resolution program for RVs (DRP-RV) and the benefits that it offers to consumers and businesses alike.

DeMars will have a booth set up on the second floor near registration during the committee meetings on June 6-7 at the Mayflower Hotel.

Three years ago, the RV Industry Association’s Lawyers Committee collaborated with DeMars & Associates in developing a voluntary and confidential mediation process. RV manufacturers that choose to participate in this program can make it available at no cost to eligible consumers who have purchased new RVs from them. The DRP-RV is administered by DeMars and available for eligible RV consumers throughout the U.S. and parts of Canada, where available.

Currently, there are three different member manufacturers representing more than 20 different brands participating in this program, taking advantage of the benefits the DRP-RV program offers both manufacturers and their respective consumers.

The benefits of DRP-RV include:

  • Faster results (i.e., 40-day timeline)
  • Encourages dispute resolution without attorneys
  • An experienced, neutral third-party administrator in DeMars
  • Provides RV consumers an opportunity to have his or her voice heard in front of someone with authority to help resolve issues
  • A network of experienced mediators across the U.S. and Canada that can hold a mediation conference at a location convenient to the consumer.

For those RV manufacturers that choose to participate, DRP-RV will give their RV consumers the opportunity to resolve their disputes in a more cost-effective, efficient manner in a less adversarial setting. The goals of this program are to help RV consumers get back on the road RVing faster, reduce costly and time-consuming litigation and benefit consumer goodwill.

“We recognize that there are times when customers feel that their warranty related service claims or complaints aren’t being addressed,” said David Thomas, senior vice president and general counsel of Keystone RV. “In those circumstances we’re thankful that they have access to the DRP-RV administered by DeMars & Associates. The Dispute Resolution Program provides our customers the opportunity to work through a voluntary mediation process, discuss the dispute with a third-party, and arrive at an acceptable resolution for both sides. The DeMars team is professional, courteous and easy to work with for us and, most importantly, the RV consumer.”

To learn more about DRP-RV, please visit Demars’ website or stop by the DeMars booth on June 6-7 at the Mayflower Hotel.

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