RV News

RVTI Has Busy Summer of Recruitment Lined Up

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The RV Technical Institute is once again hoping to recruit 1,000 or more new RV technicians this year, and part of that effort will be an increased marketing campaign and a summer full of appearances at consumer and industry shows around the country.

  • June 5, Ontario, California: the 17th Great Homeschool Convention, focused on families who homeschool their children
  • July 10-13, Dallas, Texas: the Career and Technical Association of Texas’s annual conference, targeting Texas career and technical education teachers, counselors and administrators.
  • July 15-18, Atlanta: the American School Counselor Association’s annual conference in Georgia. One program offered by RTVI lets students obtain an RVTI certification while still attending high school.
  • Aug. 20-23, Portland, Oregon: the Correctional Education Association International Conference, which targets correctional facility education faculty
  • Sept. 7-10, Fort Lauderdale, Florida: a Florida RV Trade Association event
  • Sept. 11-17, Hershey, Pennsylvania: the Pennsylvania RV and Campground Association’s  annual trade show
  • Sept. 17-19, Murfreesboro, Tennessee: the Tennessee School Counselor Association’s  annual conference

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