RV News

RVTI Hosts First Authorized Learning Partner Conference

The RV Technical Institute (RVTI) hosted its inaugural Authorized Leaning Partner Conference Dec. 4-5 at its headquarters in Elkhart, Indiana.

Twenty-nine Authorized Learning Partner managers and trainers attended, representing a total of 393 partner locations, the institute reported. This includes 389 dealerships, two correctional facilities and two technician colleges.

The conference provided more insight into the tools that are available to partners through the institute to help elevate the success of their training program, according to an RVTI press release. Attendees received a tour of the institute’s facilities, including the lab areas, to demonstrate and brainstorm ideas for training setups at partner locations.

Information was provided about different training structure options to help Learning Partners better formulate trainings that works best for their locations. Throughout the week, the conference focused on joining together the ideas of existing Learning Partners and combining those ideas with the institute’s resources.

“My expectations were high as I was preparing to participate in the RV Technical Institute’s first annual Authorized Learning Partner Conference held in Elkhart, Indiana. My role is unique as I’m an Authorized Learning Partner Manager as well as an RV Technical Institute Board Member,” said Brad Woods, the director of Learning & Development at Camping World. “I’m happy to report to the Institute’s Board that the conference was a huge success. It was encouraging to hear the dialogue exchanged between fellow Learning Partner managers and trainers.”

For more information about the conference, read the rest of RVTI’s report here.

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