Sponsorships Available for RVs Move America Week
RV Moves America Week is just around the corner.
Event sponsorships for the industry-only event are available from networking breakfasts/breaks and lunch sponsors to event lanyards, the Advocacy Day Breakfast and more.
“These opportunities will help to increase brand visibility for your organization.
As a sponsor, your organization will shine with all the benefits that come with any of the sponsorships. Benefits include a company name/logo in all the printed materials, digital signage, as well as other benefits listed for each of the sponsorship opportunities,” the RV Industry Association (RVIA) said.
Studies show that event sponsorships increase a brand’s visibility during an event. Last year alone there were 225 attendees. Please take this opportunity to be a sponsor for the upcoming RVs Move America Week event.
If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor of the event from the list of sponsorship options attached, please reach out to Dana DelVecchio at ddelvecchio@rvia.org.