
RV Dealership Ideas for Attracting First-Time Buyers

Positioning your dealership as a trusted resource attracts newcomers and creates a community of RV enthusiasts.

What if your dealership was not only known as the best place to purchase an RV, but also as a resource for new RVers entering an exciting new lifestyle? Prospective RV travelers have myriad options when it comes to purchasing their first RV. This article will explore some unique ideas to help your RV dealership stand out as the foremost place to begin the RV lifestyle.

Selling a Lifestyle Versus Selling a Product

Whether a new RVer was previously a tent camper or is brand-new to camping, they have many questions when getting started. As exciting as RVing is as a form of travel, it can also seem a little bit overwhelming to many people starting out. Just mention the words “RV black tank” and wait for the reaction you receive.

What if, instead of only selling RVs, you began to sell the RV lifestyle itself? How would this change your marketing and dealership sales methods? After all, buyers are seeking a new, exciting travel lifestyle and not simply a vehicle. By providing additional resources for new RVers, you position your dealership not only as the top place to purchase but also as a company that cares about creating a successful beginning to this new life adventure.

Resources To Attract Customers New to RVing

You may be wondering what resources your RV dealership can offer to attract new RVers without overstretching your manpower or budget. The following is a list of ideas to consider that offer value-added services to attract buyers.

RV Basics Kit

One significant hurdle new RVers face is what to buy to get started. Picking out the right RV is one thing, but knowing what supplies you need for a successful first trip can quickly be overwhelming. The simple idea is to offer a starter supply kit for purchase that includes every RV item a camper needs for the first trip. The kit could also be used as a promotion, as a bonus with RV purchases, or at times, as a discount.

A&L RV Sales in Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia and North Carolina offers an RV Essentials Starter Kit for purchase that includes basics such as wheel chocks, water hose, water filter, sewer hose with sewer elbow, gloves, toilet paper, toilet treatment, power cord dogbone adapter and water pressure regulator. An add-on option for an RV surge protector is a great idea.

Sending new RVers out the door with everything needed to enjoy a first trip without worry increases customer confidence. It helps them begin the RV lifestyle feeling prepared versus stressed over the countless RV gadgets available.

New RVer Educational Resources

RV Travel Day Checklist — The simplest educational offering could be to provide your customers with an RV travel day checklist specific to their RV type. Most new RVer mistakes can be avoided simply by knowing what to check for each time they hit the road. The checklist could be offered as a printable resource on your website or may serve as a free opt-in lead magnet for your dealership’s email list.

Blog & Video Resource Library — Does your dealership currently create educational content to serve as a valuable resource for RV customers? If not, this could be a great opportunity to provide value. Creating a blog section on your website filled with articles that answer the most common new RVer questions can help position your dealership as the place to shop for support. Videos on the same topics can be a way to grab customers’ attention and attract them to stop by for a tour.

Consider hiring freelance RV content creators and RV writers to create educational resources for your dealership. Content creators work with dealerships to provide educational blog content and video content. Working with freelancers gives access to original photos and firsthand RV experience that you can’t find elsewhere.

Working with content creators can also open the door to having content filmed at your dealership, such as RV tours and promotional events. This content can be used for your dealership’s social channels and to create social media ads to further promote your dealership. Freelancers often also promote content they create to their own RV social media audiences and are also turned into ads across Instagram and Facebook.

Looking for a simpler option that can still provide value to your customers? As a bonus with an RV purchase, you could offer a resource such as an inexpensive (currently $1.49) membership to RV Lifestyle & Repair. This membership serves as a bank of helpful expert RV tutorial videos all in one place.

In-Person Classes & Workshops — While this resource may take significantly more planning and resources, the value of even one class per month will draw attention and position your dealership above the competition. Class examples include:

  • How To Choose the Right RV for You: Types of RV classes and the pros and cons of each
  • Safe RV Driving & Towing: Escapees RV Club, now under Harvest Hosts, offers RV driving workshops as a popular resource among new RVers
  • Understanding Towing Capacity & Finding the Right Vehicle Match
  • Essential RV Care & Maintenance
  • Key RV Systems & How They Work

Transforming your RV dealership into a helpful resource center for first-time RV buyers can significantly enhance your business’s appeal among new RVers and customer loyalty for the future. By focusing on selling the RV lifestyle rather than just the product, you can create a unique and supportive environment that addresses the needs and concerns of new RVers.

Offering essential RV starter kits, educational resources and in-person workshops are just a few ways to provide added value and build strong customer relationships. By positioning your dealership as a trusted guide in their RV journey, you not only attract first-time buyers but also create a community of satisfied and informed RV enthusiasts who are likely to return for future purchases and recommend your dealership to others. Consider these helpful educational resource strategies to stand out in the competitive RV market and become the go-to dealership for new RV adventurers.

Scott & Vanessa Russell

Scott and Vanessa Russell have been full-time RVers with their daughter since 2015. They work from the road as freelance social media influencers/content creators for RV manufacturers, RV dealerships, campgrounds and outdoor brands. They are also full-time freelance RV travel writers for RV magazines and websites. Contact them at scott@theadventuredetour.com, on their blog theadventuredetour.com or on Instagram @theadventuredetour.

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