
RVWA Events That Educate, Empower & Inspire

The upcoming Educational Symposium and next year’s Spring Campout are musts for your calendar.

The RV Women’s Alliance is renowned for its events, with two standing out as particularly impactful: the annual Spring Campout and the Educational Symposium. These gatherings are more than just events — they are opportunities for women in the RV industry to learn, laugh and network in meaningful ways.

A Memorable Spring Campout in May

In May, we held our second annual Spring Campout, welcoming over 100 enthusiastic women for a weekend brimming with fun, food, games and networking opportunities. The event commenced with Bill Coughlin of Lippert leading an engaging opening session. Coughlin once again donated his time to facilitate a creative balloon game that emphasized the nuances of team building and demonstrated that leadership can come from the back, not just the front. I think everyone not only enjoyed the example but walked away with some new insights on leadership.

A highlight of the weekend was the ever-popular Campout Crawl. Participating campsites showcased their company pride with creative decorations while serving unique drinks and snacks. Our members from many different companies participated, and they did not disappoint in their spirit of the task. During this event, members were able to explore different units from the manufacturers that were present.

The campout offered more than just leisure activities. Attendees engaged in community service projects, creating dog toys for animal shelters and assisting the local Girl Scout troop in earning their fire-building badges.

The variety of activities throughout the weekend ensured that everyone could find something that suited their interests and comfort levels. Participants walked away with deeper connections to their colleagues and new acquaintances across the industry.

With near-perfect weather and fantastic company, the event was one to remember. Mark your calendars for the first weekend of May next year; we eagerly anticipate another great campout experience.

The 3rd Annual Educational Symposium

We invite you to join us Oct. 16-17 at the Westin Chicago, North Shore (new location) for our third annual Educational Symposium. This year’s theme, “EMPOWERMENT THROUGH EXPRESSION: Finding and Using Your Inner Voice,” promises an enriching day-and-a-half event filled with networking, meaningful projects and invaluable learning.

We are thrilled to present Amanda Gore, who will speak on “The Power of Joy.” Gore is celebrated for her ability to deliver high-impact scientific information based on the latest psychology and neuroscience in a humorous and engaging manner.

Further elevating our educational offerings, we have partnered with “The Moxie Institute.” The Moxie Institute has decades of experience designing and delivering customized training to global organizations and driven professionals in all areas of business communication, leadership and speaking skills. They integrate the latest research in neuroscience adult learning theory and the performing arts to ensure their clients master new skills and habits that continue to improve throughout their career and life. Every Moxie Master Trainer has over 10 years of experience and follows their industry-leading “Moxie Method” to ensure the highest quality of learning that is engaging, empowering and guaranteed to make an impact.

The Moxie Institute will teach two transformative courses. “Story Power” will teach you to organize your thoughts using their unique POWER method:

  • P – Purpose
  • O – Organize
  • W – Write
  • E – Engage
  • R – Revise

Following this, “Speak With Moxie” will provide tools to articulate your ideas confidently and compellingly through their MOXIE framework:

  • M – Move
  • O – Oxygenate
  • X – ‘X’ Cite
  • I – It Factor
  • E – Enjoy

Responding to member feedback, we are also introducing “Networking with a Purpose,” an event focused on a communal project that aims to give back to the community while fostering connections. Additionally, a self-defense course led by Debbie Pickus will be offered. This 90-minute session will encompass self-defense fundamentals, with an awareness segment and mindset segment, followed by a board-breaking segment.

The symposium will conclude with our Annual Awards Dinner, honoring not just the winners but also all of the remarkable finalists. Our award categories include:

  • Trailblazer Lifetime Achievement
  • Champion for Women (company)
  • Champion for Women (individual)
  • Leader of Tomorrow

We look forward to seeing both familiar and new faces, and to creating more unforgettable memories together. Tickets and more information are available at rvwa.org/events/educational-symposium.

Susan Carpenter

Susan Carpenter is the president of the RV Women’s Alliance (RVWA).

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