115 Technicians Receive RVIA Certification at WFCO Training Sessions

WFCO Electronics recently partnered with Winegard to offer two RV Industry Assciation-certified training sessions in November. The first training session was held in Dallas, Texas, where 67 people from 24 dealerships attended. The second session was in Denver, Colo., where 48 people from 14 dealerships were trained.
Over the course of two days, WFCO & Winegard were able to certify 115 people from more than 38 different dealerships in the Dallas and Denver areas with five hours of RVIA credit.
The training covered all WFCO product lines (converters, inverters, transfer switches, energy management, and more) and focused on product features, troubleshooting, common misconceptions, and problems and solutions. Other WFCO technologies and resources like three-stage charging, our online dealer toolbox, Power Pros program, warranty details, and more were also highlighted.
“We’ve received great feedback on this training and were able to certify a large group of people in just two days on new products, new information, and new service tools for dealers,” said Rich Dotson, president of Arterra Distribution. “These hands-on trainings are just another valuable option that WFCO offers dealerships.”
A comprehensive list of WFCO show appearances and dealer trainings can be found here.