2021 RVIA Board Nominations Are In

Nominations are in for the RV Industry Association Board of Directors.
The board is the highest level authority in the association’s overall organizational structure and is responsible for setting and overseeing strategy and policies related to critical topics such as standards, marketing, government affairs, industry education, statistical data and association finances.
Fifteen candidates are running for this year’s open seats in which members will have the opportunity to cast their votes in September. Results will be announced in early October, and the newly elected board members will begin serving their terms on January 1, 2021.
Only one vote per member company is permitted. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks with specific details on how to vote.
This year’s nominees are:
- Andy Baer of Tiffin Motorhomes
- Mike Happe of Winnebago Industries
- Kevin McArt of Forest River Inc.
- Mike Rhodes of Pacific Coachworks
- Phil Savari of Gulf Stream Coach Inc.
Park Model Manufacturer
- John Soard of Woodland Park Inc
- Curt Yoder of Kropf Manufacturing Co.
- Joe Bernstein of Ultrafabrics
- Stefan Brosick of Dometic
- Jeff Rodino of Patrick Industries
- Jen Sailor of Tredit Tire & Wheel Co.
- Mike Cheney of Crane Composites
- April Klein of Lippert Components
- Tom McCarthy of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US
- Jeff Rutherford of Airxcel Inc.
For complete bio information on all the nominees, click here.