2022 Edition of RV Generator Standard Now Available

The new 2022 edition of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and RV Industry Association’s Engine Generator Sets for RV Safety Requirements (EGS-1) Standard is now available for purchase.
RVIA is an accredited standards developer by ANSI, a nonprofit association that establishes procedures and guidelines to create recognized minimum safety standards for products used by both consumers and industry. ANSI sanctions standards that have been created following accredited procedures that allow all affected and materially interested parties a voice in their development. As an accredited standards developer, RVIA has developed six standards to assist member manufacturers in the construction of safer RVs.
One of those standards is the ANSI/RVIA EGS-1 Standard that sets forth the safety requirements and standards for engine generator sets. Through the ANSI process, the RV Industry Association recently updated this standard which applies to the installation, maintenance, and operation of generators in RVs.
The Standard is available for $30 for non-members and $25 for members, per copy.
Questions regarding the EGS-1 Standard should be directed to Tyler Reamer, RVIA standards coordinator, at treamer@rvia.org.