Airxcel Debuts New Mobile Showcase

Airxcel is hitting the road with a new mobile showcase. Making its national debut at the recent Winnebago Grand National Rally, it displays products from the company’s range of RV-specific brands. It also doubles as a service and installation hub at consumer rallies.

Airxcel said its mobile showcase allows sales staff to take products to the customer, whether an end-user, distributor or OEM. A range of displays are transported in the Airxcel-branded trailer and can be arranged to showcase items specific to the audience. Permanent Coleman-Mach A/C units not only cool the trailer interior, they also demonstrate the operation and sound levels of different models.
The company said that as part of its commitment to offer unparalleled service, its mobile showcase is truly multifunctional. At rallies, it’s staffed with a team of brand-specific technicians, where RVers can have existing equipment checked and serviced, or have new products installed.
“The response at the Winnebago rally was overwhelmingly positive,” said Keith Walker, Airxcel advertising and events manager. “Owners enjoyed seeing and touching components that are typically not very accessible within their motorhomes. The ability for our product experts to fully showcase the features and benefits of our quality products is a real game-changer.”