Airxcel Hiring 135 at its Wichita Factory

Airxcel’s RV Products division plans to hire 135 new people in Wichita for manufacturing and warehousing positions, the company announced Friday.
The new hires are a response to a “sudden demand for its products as the entire RV industry sees stunning growth,” according to Airxcel. The Wichita-based company said it brought its pre-COVID-19 workforce back on the job and that business has been doing well despite the ongoing pandemic.
“Since the COVID-19 slowdown, our business has experienced a 50 percent growth rate as people seek a way to safely vacation with their families,” said Sandra Jessop, senior vice president of operations and engineering. “We’re adding a large number of positions at our Wichita facility to meet this increased demand and help local families who have experienced job loss during the pandemic.”
Click here to read the full story from Megan Stringer in the Wichita Eagle.
Airxcel manufactures climate control products such as air conditioners, furnaces, water heaters, cooking appliances and more, according to its website. It also manufactures composite panels for RVs. The company developed brands in recreation vehicle heating, cooling, ventilation and cooking.