ARVC Battles Addition of GFCI Protection

Advocacy efforts led by the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) continue following the latest decision by the National Electric Code (NEC) regarding the use of GFCI protection on 30- and 50-amp receptacles on RV park site equipment.
The National Fire Protection Association’s NEC was considering language that would require GFCI protection on 30- and 50-amp receptacles on RV park site equipment but has decided instead to revert to language from the 2017 code which leaves this portion of the standard open to interpretation.
This decision was after a concerted effort by equipment manufacturers to require GFCI protection on the 30- and 50-amp services on RV pedestals. A decision to require the GFCI protection could have cost RV park and campground owners an estimated $400 for each electric pedestal on their campground.
“We aren’t satisfied with simply reverting back to the 2017 standard and leaving this open to interpretation,” said Paul Bambei, president and CEO of ARVC. “Our advocacy efforts to specifically prohibit the requirement for GFCI protection will continue and ARVC is entrenched in the fight for our members and the outdoor hospitality industry. We will not rest on this until a standard is in place that protects our member parks from unnecessary regulation.”
The next course of action will be for ARVC to submit a Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA) in the coming weeks. A TIA allows emergency changes to be put in place between publication dates of the written NEC. Upon adoption, a TIA would change the NEC to specifically prohibit the requirement of GFCI protection on the 30- and 50-amp RV electrical services.
In addition to these direct advocacy efforts, ARVC is also providing its members with a detailed, but brief talking-points document they can use in the event an Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) in their area confronts them about the standard. This information is currently posted on the document library on accessible when an ARVC member logs into their member profile.