ARVC Continues to Serve Park Owners in Florida and Alabama

The Florida/Alabama state RV park and campground association chose to de-affiliate with the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) starting in January this year.
However, the ARVC said that as long as park owners in Florida and Alabama renew their memberships directly with the National ARVC, they will continue receiving National ARVC benefits.
The ARVC said that employee Jeremy Carr, who is based in Florida, is “on a mission” to visit every RV park/resort and campground in Florida and Alabama to share information on National ARVC and the national benefits provided to park owners. So far, ARVC reports, his one-man campaign has proven successful.
“National ARVC is growing in Florida and Alabama, largely because of the proactive approach we have taken hiring Jeremy (Carr) as our local rep in that two-state region,” said David Basler, vice president of membership and marketing. “Park owners who have kept their National ARVC membership or who have signed on as new members are seeing very quickly how much support they have in their state from National ARVC.”
National ARVC’s annual conference is slated to be held in Orlando, Fla., this November.