ARVC Introduces New Products and Store

The National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) is announcing the opening of a new store featuring ARVC and branded items. These items will make their debut at the Outdoor Hospitality Conference & Expo (OHCE), allowing attendees to get merchandise at special OHCE pricing.
The ARVC store will initially consist of merchandise geared towards campers and campground employees, including hats, shirts, vests, battery-powered lanterns, and travel mugs. Each of the items will feature either the ARVC logo or logo.
A portion of the proceeds from the ARVC store will benefit the ARVC Foundation.
The opening of the store coincides with OHCE 2019 in Knoxville, Tenn., where the ARVC staff will solicit feedback from attendees on their favorite items and designs, with the goal to create a complete online store that will serve the needs of the camping industry, providing high-quality items to support the outdoor hospitality industry.
OHCE is a four-day event from Nov. 4-7 in Knoxville, including more than 40 educational seminars, a tradeshow with more than 120 vendors, Takeaway Tours of local campgrounds, ARVC’s Awards of Excellence dinner and ARVC Foundation auction.