ARVC Names Carr Florida and Alabama Rep

The National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) announced the hiring of Jeremy Carr as its local National ARVC representative in Florida and Alabama, to support ARVC members and the outdoor hospitality industry across that two-state region.
Carr, a native Floridian based in Sarasota, who grew up working on a campground, has already hit the road visiting RV parks/resorts and campgrounds across the two states and will continue to do so throughout 2022.

“I love this industry and I’ve already had so many great conversations with park owners, managers and staff. I usually bring coffee and donuts or lunch for the staff and we sit for a while and talk about how they got started, walk around the park and so I can learn about what’s working for them and learn about their struggles and how we can help them,” Carr said. “We walk away friends, and they know that if they ever need anything, I am local and only a phone call or an email away.”
It was important to National ARVC, the outdoor hospitality industry’s national association, that it maintained a presence in Florida and Alabama after the state associations in those states chose to de-affiliate in late 2021.
“Our goal is to make sure our members and the industry are well represented and supported by the industry’s national association,” says Paul Bambei, president and CEO of National ARVC. “The best way for us as an association to ensure that is to have one of our team on the ground, traveling around and building relationships like Jeremy is doing. We want park owners and operators in Florida and Alabama to know that when they need support from National ARVC they don’t have to call Denver, they have a trusted resource locally in Florida who can help.”
“My goal is to visit every RV park/resort and campground in Florida and Alabama so I can get to know them, and they can get to know me and National ARVC,” Carr said. “I’m really looking forward to continuing my travels and meeting the owners, managers and staff of the RV parks/resorts and campgrounds that are a big part of making Florida and Alabama two of the best travel destinations in the country.”
To learn more about Carr and to schedule a time for him to stop at your RV park or campground, visit