ARVC’s OHCE to Feature New Green Initiatives

The National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) has created the Plan-It Green Friendly Park Program to incentivize and reward parks that participate in eco-friendly and sustainable practices. ARVC will offer recognition including two Plan-It Green Park of the Year awards each year. In an effort to continue these initiatives at an organizational level, ARVC is making this year’s Outdoor Hospitality Conference and Expo (OHCE) its most environmentally friendly event yet, according to the organization.
This year’s OHCE will feature eco-friendly badges and lanyards from KLEERTECH, made from 100 percent biodegradable materials, allowing them to be disposed of in any receptacle without fear of waste.
Education sessions this year will be designed to be paperless, as each attendee will receive a USB drive with classroom materials preloaded. Attendees will also have access to additional documents and presentation information after OHCE through our new online education portal, eliminating the need for printed handouts.
The portal will also allow for all continuing education units to be handled online instead of being proctored with print materials.
Post-conference surveys, educational tracking and additional conference communication will also be paperless, including additional focus on the official OHCE2019 App, sponsored by CampLife, for smartphones and tablets. This App will provide up-to-date information for attendees at OHCE, including the entire schedule, education overview, speaker bios, a fully interactive Expo floor map and much more.
To download the ARVC App, sponsored by CampLife, search the Apple or GooglePlay stores for “ARVC-OHCE.”
OHCE is a four-day event from Nov. 4-7 in Knoxville, Tenn.