Black Book: Towable Prices Finally Falling

Wholesale prices heading into the home stretch of 2023 are following overall market trends, with the difference being that towable prices, which had remained stubbornly high, have begun to fall, according to Eric Lawrence at Black Book.
“Motorhomes declined for the second month in a row, but the thing that caught most people’s eye once again were the towables,” Lawrence said in his monthly report. “Rest assured, the market did not collapse, but rather merely returned to a more normal range. Although there were several ‘new’ 2022 and 2023 models run through the lanes again last month, it was much less than during the inventory management scenario we had seen earlier.
“Taking a closer look at the markets, we see that the average selling price for motorized units was $65,316 which is down $3,089 – 4.5% – from the previous month. Towables came in at $21,750, down $3,306 – 13.1% – from last month. One year ago, the average motorhome sold for $79,668 and the average towable unit brought $21,221.”
The report said auction volume was lower: motorhomes decreased 10.6% while towables dropped 15.1%.
The average age of motor homes was 10 years old and towables was four.