Black Book: Wholesale RV Values Increase Across the Board

“In a normal year, RV values would begin to decline as we head into winter, but as I’m sure you all know, this is anything but a normal year,” said Eric Lawrence at Black Book, in his most recent monthly report. “Wholesale values are up across the board, mirroring the seemingly never-ending growth on the new side, where shipments have just notched another all-time high. Perhaps the rise in motorized values reflects dealers’ concerns about possible chassis shortages next year.
“Taking a closer look at the markets, we see that the average selling price for motorized units was $81,384, which is up $6,394 (8.5 percent) from the previous month. Towables came in at $22,313, up $304 (1.3 percent) from last month. One year ago, the average motor home sold for $53,601 and the average towable unit brought $19,196.
Auction volume was down: motorhomes declined 22.4 percent while towables dropped 9.8 percent.
The average age of motorhomes was eleven years old (2010), and towables was six (2015).