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Blog: The Digital Difference

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(Courtesy of Dealership Performance 360 CRM)

Bringing a customer into your dealership and closing a sale on an RV isn’t as simple a task as it used to be. Today’s customers are bombarded with ads from every direction and are presented with countless opportunities when it comes to making a purchasing decision. Even just 10 years ago, a commercial playing during the morning news hour or a billboard placed in a prime location off a major highway may have been highly effective ways for dealers to bring buyers in. However, that is no longer the world we are living in. Most of today’s buyers skip local commercials by streaming the shows they watch, and digital billboards (social media ads) draw significantly more attention.

There is, of course, a place for traditional marketing in the modern advertising world. However, digital marketing can deliver a much bigger bang for your buck – literally and figuratively. One of the most cost-effective and valuable ways to reach customers is through email marketing. Here are three reasons why marketing to prospects and current customers via email is a smart choice for your business:

Work smarter, not harder.

Pre-built email templates targeted to prospects, past customers, and repeat customers take guesswork out of the equation. Different types of customers have different needs. The same marketing strategy, which would be in place with a traditional marketing avenue, isn’t efficient for reaching customers where they are in their purchasing journey. Templates designed to meet personalized customer needs give them a better overall experience, and these types of emails are also much more likely to convert than a simplified email blast. Once the email templates are built and customer contact information is organized according to interest and purchase history, your email marketing campaign can be automated to run on its own, like a well-oiled machine.

Remove the stress of follow-up.   

With an email marketing system that you can rely on, sales staff can stress less about the follow-up process. Automated pre-sale and post-sale follow-up emails are guaranteed to reach customers and allow you to track what stage the customer is at in the buying process. Inadequate follow-up is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in the world of sales, but streamlining your email marketing strategy takes this worry off of your plate.

Track results and adjust your strategy to enhance results and save money.

Spending a huge amount of money on a commercial or billboard that doesn’t perform well is a major blow to your dealership’s marketing budget. Email marketing is a much smaller investment to begin with, but you can also see the results of your efforts and adjust as needed to get the most out of the investment you’ve made. For example, if you see low click rates on a specific type of email, you can try changing the subject line to attract more attention. Or, if you are noticing that email recipients respond well to a certain style of content, you can replicate that style in other emails for higher engagement.

Email marketing presents an effective, easy-to-use platform to reach target audiences in a highly measurable way – something that cannot be said about traditional advertising methods. Communicating via pre-built, automated emails keeps customers informed and in sync with your dealership, allowing your business to maximize sales opportunities.

Post courtesy of Dealership Performance 360 CRM.

Dealership Performance 360 CRM is the leading industry expert with over a decade of experience in bringing process, procedure, and accountability to dealerships worldwide in the powersports, marine, RV, truck, trailer, automotive, and agriculture industries. DP360 CRM is the most integrated CRM in the industry with 300+ partners and integrations amongst the biggest OEMs, DMS’, third-party portals, and website providers. DP360 CRM works with over 2,000 retailers and has partnerships with global brands like Harley-Davidson, Polaris, Airstream, BRP, Winnebago, and many more.

Contact Information them at marketing@dp360crm.com.

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