Bowlus CEO Discusses Luxury RV Market

The following is part of a series that is running where it interviews entrepreneurs in a variety of fields. The subject here is Geneva Long, CEO of boutique luxury RV maker Bowlus.
Who are you, and what’s your business?
I’m Geneva Long, founder and CEO of Bowlus. We’re an ultra-luxury RV company featuring modern technology and exterior design with art deco roots from the 1930s. We reinvented the approach to luxury RVs to make them more in-line with the yacht industry — as far as innovation and quality of materials — than with the traditional RV industry. All of our products are handcrafted, and we also produce bespoke models, in addition to having a robust customization program.
What inspired you to create this product?
My first connection to the Bowlus brand occurred roughly a decade ago when my family restored a vintage Bowlus Road Chief and took it on a 3,000-mile North American road trip. We stopped at Palm Springs’ Modernism Week in California, as well as South by Southwest in Texas, and I was struck by the special reaction from everyone who saw the vintage Bowlus. Since I was studying business at the time, I was in an entrepreneurial mindset, and upon seeing people’s reactions I thought: “Could this be a new company?” I started to get the idea that luxury land travel could be a new segment of the RV industry. From there, we prototyped the modern Bowlus, updating it to something that has a vintage look but with modern technology. It had never been done before in the RV industry.
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