Brown & Brown’s New Program Takes Off

The RV Dealers Association-endorsed RV Dealers Health Collective Purchasing Arrangement available through Brown & Brown Insurance enrolled more than 20 dealerships during its first year of operation.
Since its launch last January, the program has added more than 1,400 dealership employees and their dependents.
“This program is an excellent way for RV dealers to combat escalating health plan costs while providing quality coverage for their employees,” said Jeff Hirsch of Campers Inn and RV Assistance Corp. chairman.
The RV Dealers Health Collective Purchasing Arrangement offers RVDA members an innovative way to provide employee health benefits, while saving money. Through a combination of leveraged buying power and program metrics that carve-out excess costs, RVDA members have an opportunity to lower health care premiums.
Dealers have the option of maintaining their current health benefits or they can further customize their offering to employees. The program includes a dedicated Brown & Brown service representative, turn-key compliance solutions, and administrative support.
In certain instances, dealers are eligible for immediate savings upon entering the program, with additional savings possible at the end of the plan year based on the dealer group’s actual claims. Dealers participating in the program can maintain their own renewal date and contract.
“Not only does the program help dealers and their human resources people better manage their company’s health care benefits, it gives employees access to resources that can help them stay healthy,” said Angie Weilage of Brown & Brown Insurance.