Brunswick Corp. Releases Sustainability Report

This report comes from Jeff Moser at Trade Only Today.
The report, Our Stake in Tomorrow’s Tide, focuses on the pillars of energy, environment, products, and people and includes the collective efforts they have taken, including protecting the health and safety of workers during the Covid-19 pandemic; in 2020, Brunswick logged the lowest recordable incident rate in company history.
“Brunswick understands the impact our businesses and products have on the environment and our opportunities to lead the way in sustainable, responsible business practices,” said CEO Dave Foulkes in a statement. “We are committed to continually broadening, advancing, and delivering on our sustainability mission and to improving the communities in which we live and work, and in which our products operate.”
Other highlights include achieving a major milestone for the builder: Reaching Zero Waste to Landfill status at its Fort Wayne, Ind., facility, where Harris and Cypress Cay pontoons are manufactured. The site is also home to the company’s Pontoon Technology Center.
In addition, a large photovoltaic array was completed at Mercury Marine’s world headquarters in Wisconsin – the company’s goal is to derive 50 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by the end of 2030.
The full report can be downloaded here.