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Brunswick Reveals Employee Sustainability Award Winners

Brunswick Corp. announced its 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award winners, recognizing outstanding environmental contributions globally.

In its fourth year, the awards included nominees from 10 facilities across five countries, focusing on:

Brunswick’s 2024 Sustainability Leadership Award Winners are:

Brunswick 2024 Environmental Sustainability Leadership Facility Award

The Brunswick Boat Group Reynosa, Mexico, facility was recognized for embracing sustainability over the past two years with the installation of on-site solar, osmosis water treatment with water reuse, and reductions in waste costs and emissions. The 900 photovoltaic solar panels are expected to generate 800,000 kWH of electricity per year and cover approximately 45% of the annual energy consumed by the facility’s assembly area. The wastewater recovery system, which will recycle wastewater within the plant, has reduced annual water consumption by an estimated 20%. Additionally, the facility is taking steps to cut the number monthly waste pickups, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions from waste hauling.

Reynosa team members recognized for the facility adoption of sustainable operations included: Jose Guzman, Joel Rodriguez, Alonzo Ruiz and Esteban Bazaldua.

Brunswick 2024 Environmental Sustainability Leadership Project Award

The Maintenance and Controls team at Mercury Marine’s Plant 4 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, were recognized for their efforts in energy efficiency. The team implemented numerous weekend shutdown processes that reduced weekend electricity use by 20%. Plant 4 team members who implemented this project included: Jeremy Brotzman, Mike Godfroy, Brian Jenquine, Zack Kinderman, Derek Kohler, Adam Kulhanek, Jason Noworatzky and Robert Rickmeyer.

“This year’s Sustainability Award nominees and winners included a wide range of projects impacting material use, recycling, energy efficiency and water conservation that both reduced environmental impact and reduced costs,” said Jennifer Koenig, Brunswick chief sustainability officer. “Our teams are identifying opportunities that can be leveraged across the organization, including the implementation of energy audits or weekend machine shutdowns to save energy as well as initiatives to reduce waste to landfill. This year’s collection of initiative demonstrates that capital investment is not required to lessen environmental impacts.”

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