Buckeye Lake KOA Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Over the past weekend, Buckeye Lake / Columbus East, Ohio KOA celebrated its 50th year anniversary. In attendance were members of the local tourism authority, city council, campground guests, team members, as well as past and current campground ownership. The campground is the closest KOA to Columbus, Ohio, and a recipient of KOA’s President’s and Founder’s Awards, the two highest levels of distinction provided by Kampgrounds of America, the largest brand of campgrounds nationwide.
“We are incredibly proud to serve as the leading family-focused camping destination in central Ohio and to have been a part of this fantastic community for the past 50 years,” said Rhonda Rees, Community Manager. “If the last 50 years are any indication of what’s to come, we and the Village of Buckeye Lake are looking forward to a bright future ahead.”
As part of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the Village of Buckeye Lake declared July 13, 2019 to be celebrated as KOA Day in Buckeye Lake. To experience Buckeye Lake KOA’s best-in-class hospitality first-hand, bookings can be made for the remainder of the 2019 season via www.buckeyelakekoa.com or by calling 740-928-0706.