Cairn Consulting Founder Featured on RVing in New England

Scott Bahr, founder of Cairn Consulting Group, which is Kampground of America’s research partner, will join the hosts of the Facebook Live program, RVing in New England.

For the first time this year KOA’s annual report has been renamed the The North American Camping & Outdoor Hospitality Report. Tonight on the program Bahr will discuss the market research data that resulted in the name change for the most-read annual report on campers and camping.
Changing demographics and an expanded variety in the types of overnight accommodations factored into how long, when, and where the campers chose to recreate in 2022, lending itself to the research group to look more holistically at outdoor hospitality. “As more leisure travelers choose the outdoors over other alternatives, it is critical to view this growing space inclusively,” reads RVing in New England’s promotional flyer. “And importantly, where we think things are heading in the coming peak season.”
RVing in New England is hosted by Bob Zagami and John DiPietro. Catch it live tonight at 7 p.m. ET, 4 p.m. PT, on the New England RV Dealers Association Facebook page.