California Camping World Gets Approval for Electric Fence Following Robberies

Nearly nine months and several robberies after La Mirada Camping World’s request to use an electric fence for security was rejected, City Council members reversed themselves and gave permission for installation at least on a temporary basis.
The council voted 5-0 Tuesday, April 13, to direct staff to begin the process to amend the zoning code allowing businesses like Camping World, 14900 Firestone Blvd., which are not in industrial zones where electric fences are legal, to have them. It will go next to the Planning Commission and then to the council.
Also, the electric fence only will be allowed on a temporary basis until widening of the nearby 5 Freeway is completed and the area — now mostly vacant properties — is fully redeveloped.
Click here to see the full report from Mike Sprague in the Whittier Daily News in Monrovia, Calif.
“It’s a good compromise,” Councilman Ed Eng said. “It addresses the immediate need. It’s more of an exception of case-by-case. What I don’t want is for every business to come in and say they want an electric fence. I don’t want electric fences going up all over the city.”