Canadian RV Association Adds 2 New Directors

The Canadian RV Association held its Annual General Meeting on May 15, 2019 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Joining CRVA’s board in Quebec City were Eleonore Hamm, president, and current Chairman Herb Cowen from RVDA of Canada, Robert Trask, chairman of the Canadian Camping and RV Council (CCRVC), Chris Mahony, president, and Cyrus Irani, director digital strategy from Go RVing Canada.
During the meetings, CRVA and its partners discussed the current tariffs on steel and aluminum, Go RVing Canada’s marketing initiatives and an update from CCRVC on the Private Campground Small Business Tax issue.
“The Canadian RV and Camping Industry is in a good place, but we have some economic policy challenges that we are dealing with right now,” said Jeff McDermott, CRVA’s chairman. “We were fortunate to have all of our partners join us in Quebec City to discuss the current issues in the RV and Campground Industry in Canada. Our Industry is strong, but we are truly strengthened when we all work together.”
The CRVA also welcomed Dwayne Torrey, director of construction and infrastructure standards of the CSA Group, and David Stefanuk, national sales manager for RV and marine at RBC’s Retail Dealer Services, to its board.
“Holding CRVA’s annual general meeting in Quebec City and experiencing its charm and tradition was an exceptional and thoroughly enjoyable experience for everyone,” said Shane Devenish, CRVA’s president. “Quebec is an important part of the Canadian RV and Camping Industry and it was great to hold our AGM in their Capital to help celebrate the Province’s tremendous contribution to our success.”