Caravan Salon 2021 to Feature Hybrid Component

Caravan Salon, coming up later this summer in Germany, is repositioning itself in 2021 with a hybrid offering and digital additions for trade visitors and end consumers. Messe Düsseldorf has developed a special “matchmaking tool” for this purpose, which was already successfully used at the virtual.medica 2020 and virtual.drupa 2021 trade fairs. Caravan Salon will take place from Aug. 28 to Sept. 5 at the fairgrounds in Düsseldorf, Germany.
For the first time, Caravan Salon 2021 will offer the matchmaking tool that has been tried and tested at other Messe Düsseldorf trade fairs. Manufacturers and dealers, trade visitors and end customers can use it to communicate with each other in the run-up to the trade fair and arrange appointments for the live event in Düsseldorf.
For more information, click here.