Caravan Salon Reporting Uptick in Sales at 2020 Show

The organizers of Caravan Salon Düsseldorf, the world’s largest RV show, report that halfway through the show – which runs Sept. 4 – 13, organizers and exhibitors seem to be very happy with how things are going.
Because of COVID-19, organizers had to take extra precautions to ensure that vendors, exhibitors and attendees would all be safe gathering there.
“We are very satisfied with the results so far and have succeeded in welcoming about 65,000 caravanning fans (through) Wednesday,” said Stefan Koschke, director of the event. “We are delighted to see our hygiene concept working so outstandingly well and the behavior rules being accepted by visitors without problems. The atmosphere in the halls is excellent and we are particularly happy about the accomplished re-start of the trade fair business.”
Organizers say 42 percent of the visitors are first-timers.
“This shows that caravanning as a form of vacationing has become even more popular,” Koschke said.
Caravan Salon attracted about 350 exhibitors this year. Three-quarters of the RV manufacturers attending say they have done more sales deals than in the previous year. The remaining 25 percent report sales equal to last year, which at the time set an all-time record. As far as product type, sales are up across the board but particularly among motorhomes and smaller, compact units.
“Our respect and thanks go to the trade fair company, the exhibitors and also the visitors, who together implemented the hygiene concept in an excellent way,” said Daniel Onggowinarso, managing director. “Larger areas and fewer visitors also mean a more relaxed atmosphere. This positively impacts consulting conversations and sales. The people coming here show an exceptionally high interest in buying. They are also noticeably younger and include a particularly a high number of newcomers.”