Care Camps Approaches Important Milestone

A record number of RV, camping, outdoors and marine industry businesses have learned in 2021 about Care Camps, the non-profit that helps children facing cancer and their families by providing the chance to find hope, laughter, and the healing power of the outdoors.
Thanks to growing industry support, the mission of giving every child with cancer the opportunity to be in nature and make memories in the outdoors is slowly becoming a reality, as the nonprofit nears an important milestone. At present, Care Camps supports 135 special oncology camps and programs serving kids across North America, with a new camp slated to open near Elkhart, Ind., in 2022.
“As the year draws to a close, Care Camps is only $150,000 away from an all-time, annual fund-raising milestone of $3 million for the kids,” said Jennifer Mercer, director of development for Care Camps. “If you or your business have been considering making a donation, would you please join us now?
“You can see the incredible impact that Care Camps has on kids by clicking below to watch the story of Harley. Cancer is one of the hardest things you could ever go through, especially for a child. Your donation this year will allow Care Camps to expand programming to include more kids and their families going through this unimaginable challenge, including sending more kids to oncology camps, family camps, year-round ‘Cabin Chats’ with their friends and counselors, and even increasing in-hospital programming to bring the joys of camp to life for kids too sick to leave the hospital. The best news is that thanks to an incredible grant from Kampgrounds of America Inc. (KOA), all of Care Camps’ administrative costs are covered, allowing 100 percent of your donation to go directly towards helping these precious kids!”
On major addition to giving options this year will make donating easier than ever. Care Camps is now able to accept the donation of stocks, IRAs, mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and securities said Mercer, adding that gifts of this nature provide much needed support to the mission of the charity to provide hope and healing for children facing cancer, while at the same time, potentially offering a tax break to the donor. By donating the stock directly to Care Camps, she noted, a donor can now avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of the stock. A tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock is typically realized on stock donated that has been owned for more than a year. A donation of this type to Care Camps can also result in an estate tax reduction. She suggests that individuals consult a professional to better understand the tax ramifications of their donation plans.
For more details and to obtain the information one’s financial advisor or brokerage company will need to facilitate a donation, Mercer suggests contacting Care Camps Executive Director Karen McAndrew via email at or calling toll free: (800) 431-0513.
Harley’s story:
Additionally, Care Camps also accepts donations of cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, RVs, aircraft, machinery, equipment and real estate. Care Camps will arrange to pick up these items free of charge to the donor, with proceeds from the sale of these items going to help send kids with cancer to camp. Visit the “donation options” page on to submit a pickup request or make a simple donation online.