CCRVC Unveils New Website

The Canadian Camping and RV Council has completed the redevelopment of its website that will be a valuable resource for private campground owners in Canada, according to the organization.
“The RVing and Camping Industry generates over $6.1 billion (CAD) to the Canadian economy, and the strength and viability of our private campgrounds is an integral component of the industry,” said Robert Trask, chairman of CCRVC.
Enhancements for the new website include:
- Updated look and feel with larger lifestyle imagery and added menu items
- Value-added campground listings
- Government advocacy updates and tools for campground owners
- Campground industry suppliers and member benefits
- Archived newsletters and industry statistics
- Educational materials
- The ability to offer advertising space to campground suppliers
- Listing of Canadian RV retail shows
- The opportunity to list individual promotions and events
“Our board decided last November that our website needed to be redeveloped in order to better serve the needs of private campground owners and the redesign of our website will better provide our members with the tools and resources that will greatly help them become more successful in their business,” said Trask.
To join CCRVC, email Cara Braeutigam at