CDC report on Elkhart County expected next week

Elkhart (Ind.) County officials expect to hear late next week the results of a CDC investigation into the COVID-19 outbreak in the county.
Emergency Management Director Jen Tobey said Monday that investigators with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are expected to present their findings and recommendations on July 23. The CDC team, which includes four people on-site and two working remotely, was asked by state health officials to examine the high number of COVID-19 cases in Elkhart County.
“What’s significant about the CDC is, this is a group of people that travel around the United States only looking at data for COVID-19. We are the first and the only county, so far, in the State of Indiana that has received this team,” she said. “That speaks loudly to me of the fact that we have a problem.”
Click here to read the full story from Jordan Fouts in The Elkhart Truth.
Tobey said the group’s work involves more in-depth contact tracing than what the Elkhart County Health Department or the state has done so far. The CDC is also consulting with business, health, and local government leaders.