CDK Global Sells Segment to Ansira Partners

CDK Global has completed the sale of the company’s digital marketing business to Ansira Partners. The CDK digital marketing business has been rebranded as Sincro, a subsidiary of Ansira. The terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
The sale was completed after meeting customary closing conditions and is comprised of all digital marketing business assets, including all advertising and website solutions.
“The digital marketing business is an industry-leading and customer-focused organization that will continue to grow and innovate with Ansira,” said Brian Krzanich, president and CEO of CDK Global. “I am appreciative of the successes CDK and the digital marketing business experienced together, and I am confident those successes will carry over as we move forward on a new path.”
CDK began the journey to sell the digital marketing business June 2019. After a thorough process to evaluate multiple potential buyers, Ansira was selected last February.
With the completion of the sale, Ansira has assumed all digital marketing customer contracts from CDK.