Community: 50 Acts of Kindness for Jayco’s 50th Anniversary

To help kick off Jayco’s 50th anniversary celebration, the manufacturer is utilizing the 50th day of its 50th year in business to share 50 acts of kindness in the communities which help support the organization.
Jayco employees from campuses in Middlebury, Topeka and Shipshewana, Ind., as well as Twin Falls, Idaho, will perform acts of kindness in its respective communities on behalf of the company on Monday, Feb. 19.
Several examples of the efforts include providing stuffed animals to pediatric wards at local hospitals, providing coffee and donuts to local police and fire and public works departments, donating supplies and support to local school districts, providing playground equipment and trees to local parks departments, supporting the local Boys & Girls Clubs, and donating books to local libraries and giving away tanks of gas to motorists in the community.
“Jayco has always been guided by the golden rule. These acts of kindness are our way of living out those values and thanking those who have supported us for the last 50 years,” said Derald Bontrager, Jayco president and CEO. “We understand that the support of our employees, dealers, suppliers, customers and the communities in which we operate played a key role in our success.”
Jayco is celebrating their golden anniversary throughout 2018 with 2019 model year products sporting special 50th anniversary badges.
Founded on the family farm by Lloyd and Bertha Bontrager, Jayco has been a staple in the Middlebury community since 1968.
To join in the celebration and learn more about Jayco’s history, visit