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Community: Care Camps Seeks Donations for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2019

For so many children with cancer going to summer camp is dream that just doesn’t seem possible. Care Camps is committed to providing every child who dreams of attending a medically supervised cancer camp the chance to do just that – free of charge to their families.

These are specialized care camps where for one week, filled with many memorable moments, kids coping with cancer get to focus on enjoying their camp experience instead of thinking about their disease. Surrounded by other kids just like them, they swim, go on hikes, sing songs, make friends and create memories that help get them through the tough times. They heal physically and emotionally, and their hope is renewed.

Join Care Camps by donating in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Every little bit helps, and 100 percent of your donation will be used to send a child to camp.

“The kids and teens that come here don’t have to explain why they look different, or why they sound different,” said Beth Jones, Camp Director at Camp Make-a-Dream. “They don’t have to explain why they don’t have hair or an arm. They can come here and be themselves.”

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