Community: Girl Camper to Raffle R-Pod on Feb. 14

Girl Camper has partnered with Forest River to offer the newest R-pod 196 light-weight travel trailer to one lucky winner for the price of a $10 raffle ticket at Proceeds of the raffle will benefit HoldYou Foundation, a non-profit offering financial support and gifts-in-kind to families who have a child going through a catastrophic health crisis.
“I love the R-pod and knew that my audience of female travelers would feel the same,” said Janine Pettit, Girl Camper founder. “It’s beautiful, spacious and so well-designed. When I asked them if they’d like to participate in our annual raffle to benefit HoldYou, they didn’t hesitate to say yes. That speaks volumes of Forest River’s philanthropic commitment to families in need.”
This is Forest River’s first substantial reworking of the R-pod since it came out more than ten years ago. The R-pod raffle model is the first off the assembly line. The new R-pod has a convection microwave, walk-around queen bed, residential-quality jackknife sofa bed, large pantry cabinet, a central vacuum system and more.
When Pettit first walked through the 196, she was thrilled with its “good bones.” From there, Pettit took the R-pod from “Factory to Fabulous”, working with Spoonflower custom fabrics, wallpapers and linens. Pettit chose specific designs that would give the R-pod a modern theme. However, the winner will be able to easily remove the Spoonflower paper if they choose to go with a different aesthetic.
Girl Camper is a multi-platform, national media site with 10 Girl Camper Chapters nationwide, a dedicated food editor as well as contributing editors specializing in RV expertise and camping wisdom. All of these efforts help drive attention and fundraising support to HoldYou Foundation.
A catastrophic health diagnosis for a child often leads to a catastrophic financial loss to a family. Parents often experience unpaid leaves and job loss, resulting in their inability to provide for their family’s most basic needs. 76 percent of the families HoldYou has served have fallen below the federal poverty line during their child’s treatment.
The HoldYou Foundation Raffle winner will be drawn Feb. 14. There will be nine other prizes including gift certificates to Spoonflower, Wanderwide Art, Camco, Dometic, FLI Products and more.