Community: RV Industry Family Seeks Funds for Cancer Treatment

Luke Perkins of Bremen, Ind., whose mother has been a lifetime employee of the RV industry, was diagnosed with testicular cancer on May 3, 2017. But by the time chemotherapy treatment began, the cancer had already spread to his lymph nodes, lungs, and brain. As a last resort, Perkin’s family is raising funds to help him receive hyperthermia treatment in Tijuana, Mexico.
Perkins’ story came to the attention of appliance supplier Contoure, who has been trying to rally the RV community together to raise funds and in turn told RV PRO.
A YouCaring crowdfunding page has been created for Perkins in hopes that the RV industry can come together to support his family, fiancé, and 1-year-old daughter Sophia for the $20,000 treatment.
Doctors originally predicted that Perkins would recover by mid-2018, but a blood test showed that cancer was still present. The alternative therapy will be followed by another treatment program slated to last 8 weeks.