Community: War Hero to Receive Mortgage-Free Home

On Nov. 6, at Truck Hero’s first SEMA media conference, two-time Purple Heart recipient Army Sgt. Curtis Crawford officially joined the Building Homes for Heroes (BHH) family and learned he and his family will receive a mortgage-free home in Springfield, Mo.
The event took place in the Truck Hero booth, with a custom-wrapped 2019 Ford F-150 BHH-themed build as the backdrop. Sean Marks, executive VP of marketing, kicked off the ceremony by welcoming the Crawford family, BHH guests, members of the media and the Truck Hero team.
Andy Pujol, BHH founder and CEO, followed to share the catalyst that propelled him into action to create BHH were the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Previous BHH home recipient, Army Specialist Greg Caron, took the floor to give his personal testimony, as well as do the honors of making the surprise announcement.
Crawford joined the Army directly after high school in 1987 because “he wanted to be a part of something bigger than himself and serve his country.” Crawford re-enlisted following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, because “he knew it was his duty to put back on the uniform and fight for his country’s freedom.” During a mission, Crawford suffered injuries when a sniper’s bullet ricocheted off his helmet into the windshield of his vehicle sending glass and shrapnel into his eyes and face. This is the first time Crawford would earn the Purple Heart.
Less than two months later, Crawford was shot in the chest by enemy insurgents and would spend the next days, weeks and months fighting for his life and rehabilitating. For his service to his country Sergeant Crawford received a second Purple Heart and is a highly decorated veteran receiving the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and many more.
Crawford’s sons, Cyler and Dakota, are following closely in their father’s footsteps, and are currently on active duty in the U.S. Army.
Truck Hero employs many active and veteran members across the organization. UnderCover Truck Bed Covers, based in Springfield, Mo., began working with BHH almost from its inception. What started as small donations and sponsoring a hole at the Annual BHH golf outing transformed into an official corporate-wide commitment in August 2017.
Truck Hero is steadfast in helping BHH achieve its goals. To date, BHH has gifted 178 mortgage-free homes, with a goal of gifting 200 by the end of 2019 and 500 by 2025.