Congresswoman Walorski Visits Drab to Fab Build in Elkhart

Last Saturday, Oct. 17, more than a dozen women from across the RV industry gathered at the RV Technical Institute in Elkhart, Ind., to continue the redesign and rebuild of a travel trailer as part of the RV Women’s Alliance’s Drab to Fab kickoff.
On hand to help them celebrate the start of the project was U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind), who represents the Elkhart area in Congress.
Walorski has been a supporter of the RV Women’s Alliance since its founding, including keynoting the group’s breakfast event during last year’s RV Open House. This past Saturday, the Congresswoman shared her own stories of the incredible things that can be accomplished when women work together, from securing funding for important early childhood education programs to representing the RV industry in Congress.
“It means so much to us that Congresswoman Walorski came to our build this past weekend,” said RV Women’s Alliance President Susan Carpenter. “For many of our volunteers, this was the first opportunity they have had to hear from the congresswoman in such a small group. It allowed us to share more about the strides the RV Women’s Alliance has made in the past year and hear from the congresswoman about the importance of our work to advance women in the RV industry.”
“The RV Technical Institute is the perfect location for the Drab to Fab project,” said Tammy Holland of the RV Technical Institute and an RV Women’s Alliance member. “We are the RV industry’s leading training center, so it just makes sense to partner with the RV Women’s Alliance on a project that allows women from across the industry to gain new skills and learn from one another.”
Over the next five months, members of the RV Women’s Alliance will participate in the all-female renovation and redesign project on select Wednesdays and Saturdays at the RV Technical Institute. Learn more about the Drab to Fab project at