Consultants Hired to Sharpen South-Bend Elkhart Area Brand

The economic development partners of 47 communities that make up the South Bend-Elkhart Regional Partnership are looking to sharpen their brand.
This story by Rasmus S. Jorgensen originally appeared in The Elkhart Truth.
The organization announced Monday it is partnering with Resonance Consultancy to “develop a comprehensive place brand storyline, identity, guidelines and marketing plan for the South Bend-Elkhart region.”
With its broad, high-performance economy, connected across two states through technology, education, transportation, tourism and research and development, the South Bend-Elkhart region has an opportunity to identify, position and promote itself as an unrivaled place to live, work and visit, a news release said.
According to the regional partnership, Resonance helps customers understand market trends, assess their strengths and weaknesses, engage local communities, plan for the future and create branding and communications in order to realize their full economic potential.
The ultimate goal is to attract talent, tourism and investment to the region while also projecting a cohesive message and consistent feel that expresses the unique identity of the region, both to residents of the community and to people located outside of the region.
The brand positioning and identity that Resonance will create in this project is expected to provide long-term direction for the South Bend-Elkhart Region and its partners, identifying the region’s differentiating characteristics, target audiences and a brand proposition supposed to resonate today and in the future.