Consumers Choose Diesel

American consumers continue to display confidence in diesel technology as a choice for powering their new cars, SUVs, trucks and vans, says new research and analysis from the Diesel Technology Forum.
According to analysis by the Diesel Technology Forum of 2017 U.S. vehicles in operation data (Class 1-3) provided by IHS Markit, diesel continues to hold 3 percent of the American automotive marketplace, with nearly 8 million diesel-powered cars, SUVs, trucks and vans operating on U.S. roads in 2017.
Texas continues to be No. 1 in the nation in total number of registered diesel vehicles, ahead of California, Michigan, Florida and Washington. Meanwhile, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, North Dakota and Alaska maintain the highest percentages of diesel vehicles.
“The new generation of Diesel technology feels right at home in show rooms alongside advanced gasoline, battery-electric and plug in hybrid vehicles,” said Allen Schaeffer, executive director of the Forum. “We know it’s not a one-fuel-fits-all world, and for consumers, Diesel is a proven performer that delivers real benefits: high fuel efficiency, great driving range, and no sacrifices in vehicle size, fueling access, utility or towing capabilities, or performance. With the capability to use advanced renewable low-carbon biodiesel fuels, consumers can choose to do even more for the environment.
The Diesel Technology Forum is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of diesel engines, fuel and technology.