COVID-19 Effect in Wyoming is Hit and Miss

In an unprecedented time of global change, whole sectors of industry in Wyoming, the U.S. and the world have taken a serious blow. What has been the impact on local outdoor recreation businesses?
According to the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable, a U.S.-based coalition of outdoor “catastrophic” impact on business. “We knew there have been tremendous impacts to our members and to the entire outdoor recreation industry, but our survey results show the traumatic impact on every sector and to the heart of this once thriving economic engine,” said Jessica Wahl, ORR’s executive director.
Compared to their peers in the rest of the country, have local camping- and recreational vehicle-oriented businesses felt an economic sting?
For some, the answer is “yes, definitely.” For others, not so much.
This story by George Horvath originally appeared in the Northern Wyoming News.
Wyoming is one of only seven states that did not require its residents to “stay home” or “shelter in place.” However, according to Google’s “COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports,” which use automatically transmitted location data from all Android-based cellular phones, even folks in Wyoming and states that were not “locked down” have tended to stay close to home.