RV News

Cummins Revenues Increase

Cummins Inc. today reported second quarter revenues of $6.2 billion increased 1 percent from the same quarter in 2018.

Increased truck production in North America and stronger demand in North American power generation markets was partially offset by lower demand in oil and gas and international truck markets. Currency negatively impacted revenues by 2 percent primarily due to a stronger U.S. dollar.

Second quarter sales in North America set a new record and improved by 7 percent while international revenues decreased by 6 percent. Sales in North America increased in all segments except Power Systems, which was negatively impacted by lower demand in oil and gas markets. International revenues declined primarily due to lower truck demand in China, Europe, Brazil, and India.

“We achieved record revenues, EBITDA, and operating cash flow in the first half of 2019, extending our track record of raising performance cycle over cycle,” said Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger. “While we do expect to see a moderation in demand in the second half of the year, our financial strength combined with our diversified geographic and end market exposure will enable us to generate strong profits, continue to invest in future growth, and return cash to shareholders.”

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