Dan Pearson Legacy Fund Generates $13K for RV Learning Center

The Mike Molino RV Learning Center legacy fund established to honor the late Dan Pearson, CEO of PleasureLand RV Centers, has raised $13,500 since it was established in November 2023. The fund honors Pearson’s memory and longtime industry service. There is still time for industry stakeholders to make an end-of-year donation.
PleasureLand RV Centers, headquartered in St. Cloud, Minnesota, has pledged a $25,000 matching gift, which will provide a dollar-for-dollar match for each donation received to the Pearson Legacy Fund until the $25,000 amount is reached.
Pearson served as the RV Dealers Association (RVDA) chairman of the board 1993-94, was a member of the RVDA board of delegates, vice chairman of the RV Learning Center, and served as co-chairman of the Go RVing Coalition. He was inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame in 2018. He also received RVDA’s James B. Summers Award in 2001 and the association’s Titan Award in 2023 (posthumously).
Pearson began his career in 1971 at age 11 with PleasureLand RV, which was owned by Dan’s father. Pearson took over the dealership in 1982 with just 20 employees and later became CEO. Today, PleasureLand RV Center is one of the largest RV dealership groups in the Upper Midwest with locations in Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
To make an online donation to the RV Learning Center Dan Pearson Legacy Fund, click here. Donors must be logged into their RVDA account and indicate the gift is in Pearson’s honor at the bottom of the donation form. Checks can also be mailed to: The Mike Molino RV Learning Center, 3930 University Drive, Fairfax, VA, 22030.
Other RV Learning Center Legacy Funds have been established for: Jerry Greer, Rex Floyd, Barbara Herleman, Sharon Horsey, Bob Strawn, Jim Shields, Jim Summers and Raymond Van Pelt.
The Mike Molino RV Learning Center provides dealers and their employees with innovative ways to operate RV dealerships through an array of education resources including online and distance learning, publications, live workshops and certification programs for RV dealership fixed operations personnel. For more information, visit rvlearningcenter.com.