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David Gardner Named RVIA Manager of Federal Affairs

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The RV Industry Association (RVIA)’s government affairs department recently hired David Gardner as its new manager of federal affairs.

RVIA’s government affairs staff are the association’s industry experts for its members, state legislators, regulators and RV industry stakeholders. The team champions the RV industry on Capitol Hill and closely follows relevant legislation and policies. Gardner was added to assist with these advocacy efforts.


Originally from Massachusetts, Gardner graduated from American University in 2021 before working as committee staff for the Senate Committee on Environment Public Works. He later also gained experience working for the Senate Committee on Natural Resources, where he focused on public lands and outdoor recreation issues.

“I dove into a ton of unique topics,” Gardner said of his time working for the committees. “I worked with many of the same legislative issues I’m focusing on now – outdoor recreation and public lands’ issues. It’s the ‘fun portfolio’ because it’s about being outside.”

In Gardner’s new role as the association’s manager of federal affairs, he will lead the RV industry’s legislative priorities with decision-makers on Capitol Hill and with the Biden administration.

 “It’s about awareness,” Gardner said. “Sometimes people don’t know what they don’t know. It’s important for us to share the RV industry’s advocacy priorities with legislators, as well as how the industry benefits their constituents.”

Since joining the team, RVIA said Gardner’s favorite part of his new role has been meeting RVIA staff and connecting with new faces on Capitol Hill.

“Everyone at the RV Industry Association has been so friendly and helpful,” he said. “Also, a big part of government affairs is introducing yourself to folks on the Hill and letting them know you’re here as both an advocate and as a resource for their questions. The Hill has people from all different walks of life, and I enjoy meeting them.”

When considering how the RV industry is meaningful to his own life, Gardner expressed his passion for adventuring.

“I love to be outdoors, and RVs are the gateway to that. They’re a central part of exploring and seeing new parts of the country. Especially with my background, that’s super meaningful to me.”

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