Days Corp. Sells Machinery Moving Division to Barnhart

Elkhart, Ind.-based Days Corp. and Barnhart Crane and Rigging Co. of Memphis, Tenn., have entered into an agreement under which Barnhart will purchase Days Machinery Movers, including all associated personnel and equipment of that business unit.
Days Corp., roots in the Elkhart community since 1913, will retain and continue to operate its core services. Days Corp.’s divisions include Equalizer Systems and Days Distribution & Logistics (Days Export Packing).
“Days Corporation has a stellar reputation in this region. Its employees and its services are all first class. We are blessed to make the Days Machinery Movers operations a part of our team. We think the current Days Machinery Movers customers will be pleased with the expansion of services and equipment this acquisition will bring,” said Jim Chapman, Barnhart regional director.
Days Distribution & Logistics will integrate Days Export Packing into their division to continue to offer new and existing customers “the level of service they know and expect,” according to the company. This transition means that Days Distribution & Logistics will offer warehousing, local and regional trucking, wood cutting services, as well as domestic and export packing and crating services.