Dealer Profit Releases Compliance Preparation and Certification Program

Dealer Profit Services has announced that it now offers a new compliance preparation and compliance certification program for RV, marine and powersports dealers.
“Compliance, when it comes to identifying and protecting against identity theft, protecting against any form of trafficking with terrorists, terrorist organizations, and sympathizers, and protecting against any form of entanglement with money laundering activities, is always important for dealers – and it is also hard to manage correctly,” said Myril Shaw, chief operating officer of Dealer Profit Services. “We developed our Compliance Preparation and Compliance Certification Program to make compliance a ‘no-brainer’. It is on-demand. It is available when and as needed. It is comprehensive.”
With the newly-released CPCPP annual subscription, DPS provides all RV, marine and powersports dealers with the following tools, capabilities, and content:
Complete Compliance Documents available whenever and as often as needed and fully branded for the dealership including:
Red Flags Rule – Policy and Procedure Manual
Disposal Policies and Procedures
OFAC Policy and Procedure Manual
Safeguards Rule Policies and Procedure Manual
USA Patriot Act Policy and Procedure Manual
Full Compliance Training via video content available whenever, as often as needed, and to as many dealer personnel as required – content is comprised of seven distinct video units in lengths ranging from 20-45 minutes which may be watched on-demand and at the convenience of the viewer, with the ability to pause and return to the viewing later.
Compliance Certification Exam to be completed by those who have completed the Compliance Training made available as a 20-question multiple-choice exam.
Compliance Checklist suitable for use by the compliance officer and other dealership management and designated personnel to ensure that best efforts are being made to demonstrate “good-faith” efforts in meeting compliance rules and regulations.
Supplemental Compliance Training Slide Deck to reinforce compliance training principles.
Social Security Area Information, which helps dealer personnel identify potential identity theft through casual conversation by referring a customer’s place of birth or residence based on the Social Security number.
Compliance “Hot Line” Email available to any dealership personnel for compliance or program-related questions or suggestions.
During the period of the subscription, any or all CPCPP is available on-demand and as frequently and as often as desired at the complete convenience of the dealership and personnel, the company said.