Demand Outstrips Supply for Luxury Motor Homes

Dominik Eggenschwiler runs Adventures on Wheels in Middletown, N.J., supplying motorhomes to customers in the tri-state area. And business is good, very good. “We’ve seen a great increase in sales and rentals,” he said. “There’s unheard-of demand.”
The reason for the turnaround is simple, Eggenschwiler says: COVID-19. New Yorkers and other urban dwellers want to get out of the city, and they feel safe in their vehicles. Motorhomes offer the ultimate security, because they free their users from dependence on hotels and restaurants, but travel trailers work for many anxious consumers.
Rentals are the overwhelming choice of city residents with nowhere to store a large recreational vehicle. “Normally the rentals are for seven to 10 days, but now we’re seeing two weeks to a month, and even then they call and say they want to extend,” Eggenschwiler said.
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