Demco Updates YouTube Channel

Boyden, Iowa-based Demco, suppliers of RV towing products, said it has added to and improved its online training videos and product knowledge library, which are accessed through the Demco website and Demco’s YouTube channel.
During the last several months Demco has added more than 40 videos that include segments focusing on the company and the manufacturing process. The series is titled “We are Demco,” and includes product-focused videos, technical training installation videos and shorter videos offering Tech Tips for the installers.
“One of our company objectives has been to improve our video library in support of our consumers, manufacturers and dealers” said Doug Northcutt, Demco’s RV and trailer products sales manager. “Our marketing team and technical trainer have been focused on getting this project moving and they’ve done a great job of making it a reality with many more videos in the pipeline.”
To visit the company’s YouTube channel click here.