Dicor Hires Evan Sharpley to Sales Team

Dicor Corp., a division of Airxcel, has expanded the Vixen Composite sales team with the addition of Evan Sharpley as an account representative. Vixen Composites is a supplier of fiberglass-reinforced plastic and a manufacturer of custom composite panels used in a variety of applications including RVs, marine products and transportation.
“Evan will be responsible for broadening our customer base at Vixen as well as developing new business opportunities while creating solutions to customer needs,” said Anthony Wollschlager, president of Dicor and MCD. “Evan has a proven record of facilitating long term relationships and his winning attitude, competitiveness and personality are real assets for Dicor.”
“Dicor is a great organization and I’m excited to be part of an innovative team focused on bringing value to OEM customers and end consumers,” said Sharpley. “My entire career has been built on teamwork and I look forward to continuing that here at Dicor.”
Sharpley is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and former professional baseball player with the Seattle Mariners.